Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

Header Photo Sea Island One Design Scow

Photo taken from an online article on the Rockville Regatta from The Post and Courier.The previous header photo is of the Sea Island One-Design, a local class of large scows centered around the lowcountry South Carolina, specifically Bohicket Creek, Rockville. The 1948 design is attributed to New England naval architect, Henry Scheel but the lineage...
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Friday, Bob and Laura of our Club organized a fun sail down to The Battery and back in which about ten Club boats participated. We rendezvoused with Bob and Laura and their boat, "Thai Hot," when ILENE was in the West Indies (see Blog, Jan 22, 2012, Sint Maarten).  In addition to Witty and Alpha Girl, we enjoyed the company of Rhoda and Lloyd,...
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Breaking News Witty the Kitty Is BAACK!!

Approximately four days after his sudden disappearance, Lene was walking the 150 yards to the shipyards shower/head/lounge when she heard a cat sound. Not the loud yowl Witty is capable of, nor the weak mewl either -- but a cat sound. I got our strong flashlight and we saw what seemed like an orange cat running along a low "catwalk" at the near side...
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Underway from 6:45 until 4:00, outside in the Atlantic. Raised main in the harbor, because we were motoring directly into the wind. Then a brief two minute torrential downpour, a right into the inlet and another right outside put us on course for Beaufort. A straight shot at about 60 degrees for 69.1 miles across a good part of Onslow Bay, which is...
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Sabtu, 30 Januari 2016

White, unpainted bottom.  Six work days took place during this period, (totaling 30.75 hours - so Im not working too hard) and two fun days as well.Why not start with the fun. There was an emergency meeting at the Club because of a failure of a quorum at an earlier meeting. This one took only five minutes and we accomplished two ministerial tasks...
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On a recent trip to Trinidad for a survey I was pleasantly surprised with the services available for the boat owner there. This is not the Caribbean Island you might be used to. You will not find an island crowded with tourists or your typical anchorages. In Chaguaramas you will find an assortment of boat yards and chandleries. My survey was at Peake...
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Every once in a while I intersperse all my posts about planing boats, or racing, or boatbuilding with videos of people just enjoying a daysail and a day on the water. The wind is perfect, not too strong, not too light, the sun is out, the water temperatures are good for swimming. Sailing is best done with the feet up and a smile on the face.The Dutch Valk klasse is similar size and original concept...
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Jumat, 29 Januari 2016

Normally the summer time is the busiest blogging time, but after 146 days afloat this calendar year before May 27, this is a decompression time. I do not feel the urgent need to get out on the water every day, not that nothing water related has taken place.I have gone on two of the Wednesday afternoon sails with the Old Salts, the new name for the...
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Building the Optimist dinghy frames

Winter is flying by, and we are diving into our three-boats-at-once project. We have spent some time getting to know the CABBS plans. Its helped to have found some pretty nice images of other folks working on their Optimists. Nothing like a picture to make things clearer.Here is where we would like the project to be the next time we get to work on...
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August 10 to 24 Not Much Sailing

We began by going to a lovely wedding of friends daughter, out on Long Island. Lene, Lianne, Ellen and RudyThen came Lenes successful surgery: laperoscopic removal of the malignancy in her left lung and her return after two nights in the hospital. We were very lucky to have such a good outcome due to an accidental early detection.There was also a membership...
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Laundry, cleaning and shopping, the usual, except for the shopping which we did by dink to a Publix less than half a mile from a dinghy dock which was about 2.5 miles north of our mooring and on the other side of the shoal infested harbor. We took Lenes i-Navx with us and ended at a boat ramp where Arnis met us with his truck and trailer, took our...
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